
... to Off the Beaten Path, a fanlisting dedicated to the actor Zac Efron. This fanlisting was created on September 22nd, 2011 by Kelly and is listed under the Actors category at The Fanlistings Network. It was originally created in 2003 by Kathryn, (in 2007 by) Rosie, Daphne, and Ai~ who then passed it onto me on August 22nd, 2011.

Fanlisting: N. 'An online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country.' So, if you're a fan of Zac, please add your name to the fanlisting and show your love and support.

Disclaimer: This website is neither authorized nor is it official. No copyright infringement is intended. Any used scripts, images or otherwise is credited here.


Off the Beaten Path was last updated on 10th December 2017 and currently has 368 approved fans with 0 waiting to be added. Please give a warm welcome to Marley.


  • September 23rd, 2011
  • A ginormous thank you to the ever-so-kind Ai~ who passed on this amazing FL to me. It was one of my BIGGEST wishlisters ever and I am incredibly grateful to her for choosing me AND for being patient with how long this took me.

    I only just realized this yesterday when I finally forced myself to work on this that it's literally been an entire year since I've created a fanlisting. Regardless, yay for the fanlisting being done!